Tufts New Economy/Next System Project 3-Day Teach-In

A three-day teach-in, sponsored by The Next System Project and the Global Development and Environment Institute, and organized by Tufts New Economy, is under way this week on Tufts campus.

The first event took place tonight in the Cabot Building, where participants watched a series of short films covering various strategies to achieve democratic decision-making and cooperative business structures, as well as new ways of thinking about resource distribution and economics in general. On the docket were the following films:

  • How We Live: A Journey Toward a Just Transition by Edge Funders Alliance
  • The Fish Parable by Ed Whitfield from the Fund for Democratic Communities
  • Our Beginnings by the CERO Cooperative (Cooperative Energy, Recycling, and Organics)
  • Real Money, Real Power by the Participatory Budgeting Project
  • Occupy the Farm (Trailer) by Todd Darling, Steve Brown, Carl Grether and Blake Hodges
  • Our Power by the Black Mesa Water Coalition and the Climate Justice Alliance

The films were followed by a more in-depth discussion of participants experience with cooperatives and ways to become more active in striving for alternatives to a dominant neoliberal economic system.


UEP Student Sarah Jimenez Leading a Discussion

UEP Student Sarah Jimenez Leading a Discussion

Teach-In Flyer

Teach-In Flyer












The teach-in will continue until Wednesday, with tomorrow’s event showcasing some UEP thesis work researching participatory budgeting, cooperative finance, and community land trusts.

Finally, the teach-in will culminate in a UEP Colloquium featuring GDAE’s Neva Goodwin, Carlos Espinoza-Toro, formerly of the Jamaica Plain New Economy Transition, and Alice Maggio from the Schumacher Center for a New Economics. More information can be found on the event flyer above.

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